Directed by Jorma Taccone, Written by Will Forte, John Solomon, and Jorma Toccone. Rogue Pictures, 2010. Color, 1 hour 28 minutes.
I know, I know. Four movies, four comedies, it's getting old. I feel you. Things will change. But first, MacGruber.
On my last day at AMC, I caught the midnight show of this. I have been awaiting this film with high anticipation since I first saw the trailers a few months ago. MacGruber has been one of my favorite SNL characters, and I am a big fan of The Lonely Island boys, particularly their music videos, and one of my absolute favorite comedies, Hot Rod (which starred Jorma and Andy Samburg, and was directed by Akiva Schaffer).
This time, however, Jorma made his directorial debut. And it was a flop. I felt the same leaving the film as I would if I just sat and watched Will Forte masturbate for an hour and a half. The film was a self-glorifying spoof of territory that has already been beaten to death. The claims that this is the best SNL movie since Wayne's World is grossly misstated and must have been started by someone working on the film. The character of MacGruber didn't exhibit a single aspect of the character from the SNL skits, aside from the end when Vickie is shouting how much time he has left until their inevitable doom. Not to mention there was way too much of Forte's butt. The humor was crude, gross, and immature, and the characters had nothing redeeming about them.
I admit, there were many times that I was laughing out loud - the only reason I am giving it more than one star, but the ends did not justify the means in my opinion. Don't bother spending any money seeing this in theaters, you will greatly regret your decision. If you really want to see it, wait until it comes out on DVD and get it from the $5 bin at Walmart.
Two out of Three Stars.