With this sequel to El Mariachi, Robert Rodriguez employs a similar storyline on a higher budget. El Mariachi, this time played by Antonio Banderas, comes into a town and tries to kill the drug lord. There isn't a mistaken identity in this one, but he still ends up falling for the drug lord's girl and sleeping in her upstairs apartment.
With the bigger budget comes better special effects, better acting, and better looking, higher quality shots. Also, the film isn't dubbed, so for viewers who aren't totally fluent in spanish, like myself, that's a plus.
Rodriguez proves he can make a great action movie just like the best of them, the gunfights are incredible, the explosions exciting, and the tension pretty darn tense. What this outing misses of the heart and soul of the original (probably communicated by the passion needed to make such a low-budget film), it makes up for with the high action and big names (great performances by Steve Buscemi and Quentin Tarantino). Not to mention the big twists at the end that will keep you guessing.
Over all, this movie is very exciting. It is a little strange to see the lead role replaced, especially when the actor who played El Mariachi in the first film has a cameo in this one, but it is definitely for the better. Not saying the original actor was bad, but Banderas is a lot more fun to watch, especially back in his earlier days.
Four and a Half out of Five Stars.